Friday, November 12, 2010

Remember These?

Up too late last night, I browsed through these again. I thought they should be saved for posterity, so let's start w/ Rachel:

1) My name was Margaret for the first week of my life.

2) Mayonnaise, scorpions, and calling people on the phone all give me the heebie jeebies.

3) The most random job I've ever had was as a personal assistant for a man I know. I basically did anything he couldnt get to on his checklist- I painted the interior of his house. I rode his horses to get them into shape. I cooked his kids dinner. I drove him to San Jose. I cleaned out his closets and garage...and sold whatever I found on eBay (including motorcycles, airplane parts, and gas masks). It was a fantastic summer.

4) The coolest job I've ever had was as a nanny for my sister and brother-in-law as they traveled with their daughter. So I basically got two trips to New York and Korea in exchange for a little babysitting.

5) My goal in life is to be more like my sisters.

6) I have the talent/curse of being somewhat good at a lot of things, but not really good at anything. Thus I have lots of half skills, but nothing worth showing off.

7) I hate writing. Once in high school I was supposed to write a story about the word 'gibberish'. So, trying to be clever and sassy, I wrote two pages of meaningless words. I got a A.

8) I worry about getting old, about getting divorced, and about disappointing people.

....I hope you're not disappointed if I didnt tag you in this note...

9) When I was younger I had a rather uncanny ability to catch wild animals using only my bare hands- tadpoles, lizards, frogs, mice, fish, gophers, salamanders, crawdads, birds, snakes. I'm sad to say that this skill has declined over the years since I no longer spend 95% of my free time in my 5 acre backyard.

10) Along that line, I was a tomboy for the first half of my life. This is due in large part to my cousin Joel, who is also my best friend. We lived right next to each other growing up and entertained ourselves by trading baseball cards (I had over 2000), shooting slingshots, boxing, and knife-fighting with pvc pipes (which is a very bad idea).

11) Joel and I once tried to save the entire tadpole population in my backyard creek. The water in the creek was almost gone, and they were all going to shrivel up and die if we didnt do something. So we proceeded to catch hundreds of 4 inch long tadpoles and put them in buckets on my back porch. The next morning every single one had died.

12) There's a good chance I'm engaged to someone in Guatemala. I didnt understand much of the conversation, so I just nodded my head and agreed with everything he said, and he gave me a ring when we parted company.

13) I've been waterboarded.

14) Since I'm the youngest of 6 girls, I'm usually the one to get demoted to what my family calls the "Pish Posh". The Pish Posh is the trunk of the car when there's not enough seats. It's the couch when there's not enough beds. While my family has always thought of this as the short end of the stick, I've always rather enjoyed taking the small cozy spaces. Case in point- I am currently living under my sister's stairs and loving it.

15) I used to like jumping off really high things into water (piers, cliffs, bridges)...until one day when I did a back flop off a 30-foot cliff. Now I dont know if I will ever jump off anything higher than a diving board.

16) I once picked the winning horses in five straight races.

17) I love tomatoes. When I was little my mom would take me to the store and tell me I could get myself one thing as a treat. I would pick out the biggest tomato I could find. I was sad to find out, however, that tomato popsicles are gross.

18) In the first grade the song Puff the Magic Dragon made me cry so hard the school office had to call my dad to see if he could figure out what was the matter with me. My dad finally calmed me down by rewriting the end of the song for me so that Little Jackie and Puff could play together forever.

19) My favorite place in the world is a beach on the island of Chiloé. There, and Auberry, CA.

20) I'll come right out and admit it- I dont really like dogs. I have my reasons: When I was 6 I saw a great dane attack my friend's face. When I was 9 my cousins had a dog that peed on you whenever it got excited...which was often. When I was 13 my mom and I got attacked by a pack of dogs and we had to beat them off with sticks. When I was 15 I used my violin case to whack away the neighbor dogs every time I had to walk to my violin lesson. My family owned one dog during my life and it was my job to pull off the ticks. So no, I dont really like dogs.

21) Plucking my eyebrows makes me sneeze.

22) I got in trouble once in elementary school, and that was for eating Apple Jacks during class. I only got in trouble once in middle school, and that was for carving my initials into a tree. I only got in trouble once in high school, and that was for running on the rooftops of the classrooms. So I only really got in trouble 3 times...but that's because I only got caught 3 times.

23) I spent about 45 minutes in the back of a police truck driving around downtown Guatemala City last spring break.

24) I once had two mice. Two months later I had over 20. If you ever own mice, dont get a male and a female....they multiply like crazy.

25) I cant sleep right now because I have Bohemian Rhapsody stuck in my head. It's been stuck in my head for the past week.

1 comment:

  1. good job, carrie. i love these lists and i love that girl!
