Sunday, March 17, 2024

Funny Ha Ha

What are the funniest things ever said in our family? Taken in context, meaning no one else needs to think they are stand-alone funny. Here are my nominations:

- "Soft bread was good enough for Jesus" - Vivian, circa 1997

- "You know about Gordon, right?" - Theo

- "None of these is a chocolate croissant!"  - Carrie

- "I frew tumbody's keys" - Hugo

"I would say Evan, but then everyone would know I was lying." - GORDON

"Well, at least I have my bread..." - Sydney

"You're talking about spherical dimensions!" - Jerry

"He's wild, and he smells like blue cheese." - Lucy

"What do you call a satisfactory buffalo?... Enoughalo!"  - Rachel

"You look like a walking intestine." -Hal