Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Strong, Not Entirely Stable Leadership

Both of the Gregory kids have shown an interest in leadership positions lately. Lucy went trick-or-treating as Lord Buckethead, and handed out the following flyers:
I am Lord Buckethead. I have run for the office of Prime Minister of the UK in three elections. I am also an intergalactic space lord. My platform:

1. free bicycles for all, to combat obesity and bike theft

2. better pay for elementary school teachers

3. Discipline is key. If any child misbehaves 3 times they are blasted into deep space, with the parents provided a fruit basket of consolation or celebration, depending on the child.
Strong, not entirely stable leadership!

Theo ran for class governor and went to school in a suit and tie to shake hands and garner votes. He also wrote a speech (by himself) that included the line:
"There may come a day when the hearts of fourth graders fail them, but today is not that day!" 

Then he did a rap.

After he gave his speech, the other candidates withdrew (not kidding), and he goes into election day tomorrow uncontested. Apparently the hearts of a couple of fourth graders failed them after all.
