Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Group Chat of Brilliance

Carrie: Apparently you can clone your cat for $25,000. That made me wonder about cloning Rachel.
Beth: Sign me up. Wait, so do I get to raise her? Or we cloning older Rachel?
Carrie: Well, I think she'd start out little. But how cute would that be? But what if you got an evil clone and ended up with a mean Rachel? Clearly I'm going to have to think this through.
Beth: No such thing.
Carrie: YET
Sarah: I'll take one
Beth: This is obviously a completely full proof plan. (Fool proof? Huh. Never thought about that saying.)
Vivian: Who gets the original? And do we have to keep them separate at all times?
Carrie: Me. Because I'm oldest. You guys have more time to raise your own.
Sarah: Haha
Claire: Also, don't you think seeing a real evil Rachel is worth it?
Carrie: I would kind of like to see evil Rachel, but I'd be scared too.
Carrie: Would we make original Rachel babysit the littles?
Claire: Hahaha. Of course.
Beth: She could RAISE the Littles, then pass them out when they were properly ready.
Vivian: Hahaha
Claire: Does Rachel want one of her own?
Beth: Hahaha
Carrie: Oh! Good question. It would be like picking a puppy our of the litter. "I'll take that little frisky one in the corner."
Claire: This would be a pretty interesting study in nature vs nurture. Which Rachel would be the coolest? Smartest? Nicest?
Sarah: Which one of us raised her best
Beth: It seems like 'cloning' implies a certain amount of 'same same', don't you think? If we're gonna clone Rachel, I want a Rachel.
Claire: Well, then you'll have to send her to Mom for raising.
Beth: Carrie, you look into the gene splicing and we'll give her some of your sleeping genes and then she'll be perfect.
Carrie: I dunno, sounds risky. What if she started sleeping AND throwing money at problems? Could be all wrong.
Beth: Haha
Sarah: Hahaha

Rachel: Oh my gosh, I go take a shower and come back to my 6+ lives all planned out! This is incredible.
(general laughing)
Vivian: Oh great, RACHEL is on this thread? How are we going to steal some of her hair now?

Monday, March 5, 2018

Of Chickens and Onions, a poem by Carrie

"Will chickens eat onion skins?"
I wonder as I chop.
I wouldn't.
But maybe
that's not relevant.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Jerry Hearts Vivian

Jerry made a pretty awesome video for Vivian. You can watch it here.