Wednesday, February 3, 2010

who's on first?

i dropped the kids off at school and waved to a friend on the way out of the parking lot. then on the way home, jack said, "what was that?"
me- what?
Jax - what was that?
me - what was what?
j- that!
me (exasperated) - jack! where? show me.
j- what was that lady you waving to?
me- o! WHO! WHO was that. is that what you mean? WHO was that i was waving to?
jack - I DON'T KNOW! you TELL me!!


  1. Lillian had a lot of trouble with "me" and "you." She would point to a picture of herself and say, "That's you!" I'd say, "it's me." "It's not mom, it's you!"

  2. Remember when Rachel was excited for our family trip to Me-tah?
