Thursday, February 23, 2012

you win some

jack took a long drink of grape juice - lots of swallows in a row and when he had drained the cup he gave a big sigh, put a fist in the air and declared,



while colin is asleep, jack and i will snuggle on the couch and play questions. i ask him one, and then he asks me one. i asked him what 6+2+2 is, then he asks me do i like milk or juice better. sometimes it is light, like when i ask him what the word "lollypop" starts and ends with.

and sometimes it gets very very deep...

"which do you like better: to have owies or not to have owies?"

here is another (he is getting creative):

"which do you like better: to roll the window down in the car? or to get blood all over you?"

And the number one way you know that you have been too lazy in the laundry department is....
me- "hey jack, go put these clothes in your drawer."
jack- (long pause) "i have a DRAWER?!"

ok, one more (jack is funny these days):

jack (after really hurting his leg) - (howling) "my leg hurts so BAD and i am never going to walk ever ever again and for the rest of my LIFE i will be stuck in this CHAIR!!"
me- "well... that is a little silly, don't you think?"
jack (thinking) - "you are right. YOU will be carrying me around."


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