Monday, May 4, 2015

Notes From A Rachel

Just wanted to send a quick update on the last couple of days. Things have gone about as smoothly as possible…but, for Sierra Leone, that still means complicated. Before I left Atlanta I got an email that said, “your flight is scheduled to land at 5:45pm; if all goes according to plan, you’ll get to the hotel around 11pm”. I would hate to think what would happen if things didn’t go according to plan! I expected standing in long lines at the airport without A/C for immigration and a mandatory Ebola screening. I even kind of expected the luggage madness (of the dozen CDC employees traveling with me, 3 of the people’s luggage was lost). What I didn’t expect was the “water taxi” journey that was a 45-minute long, high-speed, jerky, roller-coaster-of-a-speedboat ride that slammed into 6-foot waves all the way across the bay. After 24 hours of traveling, that is not something your brain or body wants! Wish I had been warned to take Dramamine and wear a neck brace.
Speaking of medicine I’m glad I’m taking anti-malarials: there are mosquitos everywhere, even inside my hotel room. The stat today was that if you don’t take prophylaxis your chances of getting malaria are 10-50%. Yikes! I’m more worried about forgetting to take a pill one day and getting bit than I am about Ebola. I’m also glad I decided to get the rabies vaccine series before I came, since I learned today that Sierra Leone has the highest stray dog population in all of Africa. However, there is no bat infestation, as far as I can tell. I’ve had enough of that.
The hotel is nice enough but the air is stale and it smells like bleu cheese. Throughout the day there have been about 10 power outages ranging from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, which can be inconvenient if you need to charge a phone or use a wifi router to send an email. It can also be quite concerning if it happens when you are getting into an elevator, as I found out for myself this morning – as I was walking into the elevator, it slammed shut behind me, jerked a bit, and then audibly turned off. Not something you want to happen anywhere, but much less when you are on your way to have your first meeting with your team lead in a country that isn’t well known for responding quickly to emergencies. After a minor freakout (mostly about how I was making a bad impression on my new boss) and right as I was about to try to jimmy open the doors with a bottle of bug repellant…the power came back on, the elevator reset, and it took me down to a secret basement floor that I shouldn’t have access to. A confused laundry worker and I stared at each other for a minute as I furiously kept pushing the lobby button until the elevator finally started moving again.
Speaking of electricity, I just tried to plug in my blow dryer and even though I used an adapter and was very careful about putting it on the right setting, I short circuited my whole room (and possibly the whole floor). Sorry, neighbors. My boss is right next door to me, too; hope he brought a headlamp, and no, I’m not going to tell him it was me. I’ve already made bad impressions.
I found out today that I’ll be staying in the capital almost the whole time, which is good because I’ll be at the hotel all the time (somewhat reliable wifi, hot shower, nice bed) and bad because I’ll be at the hotel all the time (boring, and smells like bleu cheese).
That’s all for now. So far there has been a lot less crying on this trip to west Africa than the last. A good sign.

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