Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Fancy Dinner?

Last Saturday I went to dinner with Dad and Kathy to their friends Alan and Nancy. We get there and the table is set with nice plates with chargers, napkins, fancy glasses ect. They ask who wants wine even. I think "oh, this is a nice dinner, napkin in your lap and wait for everyone to sit down kinda dinner." So out comes the salad: asian pears with pomegranate seeds and poppy seed dressing. Then comes dinner: cooked spinach with mashed potatoes on top and then that topped with grilled salmon. We make conversation and I was proud of my self because I could contribute with an NPR story I heard just that morning about Czech christmas tradition of  having carp and Nancy had heard the same thing and it turned out that her mother was czech she even had some of the blue dishes that they talked about. Go me. So we all ate and then Nancy said I thought we could watch a movie and then during intermission we can have dessert. Oh man what is dessert going to be? I said that I had to go,  sorry I was going to miss this fancy thing, and she said, "oh, take it with you then." She pulled out a box of drum sticks and handed me one. I laughed and said, "I see you worked really hard on dessert." She laughed as well and said, "yeah, it was a whole drive to the store"  So I guess you can be fancy and not at the same time.


  1. Sarah, you are really funny. Look at you listening to NPR and chatting casually with the fancy people over dinner about it. You make me laugh. Let's be fancy and not on our cruise.

  2. I think being fancy and not at the same time is the ultimate goal, really. Great story, Sarah!
