Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Carrie and Rachel's Big Adventure

Rachel came to Asia and we had adventures. Some memorable moments and statistics:

Food Moments:  
The good: Khun Moo’s fried morning glory; green curry and mango sticky rice so good we went back the same day for more; water buffalo laap; pumpkin, coconut and ginger soup; an average of three smoothies a day, including banana, mango, mango passionfruit, coconut, watermelon, dragonfruit, mixed fruit and pineapple

The bad: grasshopper, fried silk worm, real whole unboned crunchy dead frog, something made with gravy-that-might-not-be-gravy, and fresh spring rolls that caused us both to suffer serious consequences.

Also, over the course of three weeks, Rachel had 3 people throw up right next to her (none of which were Gregorys, btw).

Startling Moments:
- looking over the immigration officer's shoulder in the Siem Reap airport and noticing a pig's head on the table with a gigantic knife sticking out of it.
- Carrie getting patted on the bum by a 4 yr old.
- at a roadside rest stop, realizing that the murky objects floating in brine in a jar were severed bear feet.
- when Theo lost an epic battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors, and whipped off his hat, intending to throw it down in disgust, only to have the wind rip it right out of the truck that we were riding in. It happened so fast, and he could not have looked more stunned.
- returning to our guest house one evening, we interrupted a family fight, complete with yelling, threatening gestures and one man struggling while being restrained by several others. We settled ourselves on the curb across the street to watch. In a lull, the restrained man broke free and ran amok in bare feet down the street and into the which point 4-5 other guys jumped on their scooters and zoomed after him. Carrie said to Rachel: "I like this guesthouse! It's exciting!"

...which brings us to

The Jokes:
-  Watching Man of Steel in a private theater at our hotel took on a MST-3000 vibe. When Superman gazed intently into the camera and declared, "I have a doody!" the family dissolved into giggles. Sheesh, grow up.
- Seeing a cat with half a tail and wondering if it was a landmine victim. (not actually very funny, but sorta)
- Eating water buffalo with Rachel at a fancy restaurant, she suddenly went on a tear of homemade buffalo jokes ("What do you call a satisfactory buffalo?" "Enoughalo!") that left Carrie speechless (I'm not kidding- I've never seen anything like it from her. Ask her about it). 

Transportation Moments:
- 15 tuk-tuks, 12 airline flights (for Rachel), 7 boats, 2 minibuses (both harbingers of imminent death), 6 golf cart rides, 4 taxis, 2 motorcycle rides, 2 bike rides, 1 kayak excursion, 1 slooow innertube ride, 3 failed attempts to rent scooters, and 1 rental truck that we called The Rig. The Rig was L-handed stick-shift, didn’t have any seatbelts in the back and the backseat cushions weren’t attached. Every time Carrie put on the brakes, the 3 kids in the back would fly forward and hit the front seats.
- We were in 2 tuk-tuk accidents, and had to get out and push two separate times.
- Our boat got stuck on a sandbar and the driver (captain?) had to bail out water with a bucket
- We realized, as we were boarding a plane, that we didn't know where one of our pieces of luggage was. Rachel stalled the ticket ladies to keep them from closing the gate while Carrie ran around looking for it and finally found it all the way back at security.
Kid Moments:
- Theo peed into a bottle 3 times, twice onto his own shoulder to relieve a jellyfish sting, and once almost fell into the ocean when a wave hit while he was peeing off a pier.
- Lucy swam 100 laps (2 miles) to raise money for snow leopard protection. Theo swam 50.
- We played some epic 4-person Minecraft. Actually, a LOT of epic 4-person Minecraft.
Random Stats:
# of mysterious giant stone jars: 100
# of craters from Vietnam War bombs: 5
# of unexploded bombs still in Laos: 80 million
# of times we were warned not to go off path (or we might explode): 20
# of times we went off the path: 1
# of times Rachel was called 'sir': 4
hottest temperature - 39 C (102 F)
coldest temperature- there was no coldest temperature
How much a bunch of bananas costs in Cambodia: $1
How much a smoothie costs: $1
How much a pineapple costs: $1
How much two pineapples cost: $1

All in all, I definitely recommend traveling with Rachel. ("What do you call a buffalo that hits too hard? A roughalo!")

All in all, I definitely recommend traveling with Carrie. ("What do you call a priest that goes crazy? A-monk!")



  1. 1. 3 fruit smoothies a day!? I think I figured out what you guys got sick.
    2. Patted on the bum. Ha ha ha
    3. Man of Steels doody
    4. A good day for snow leopards.
    5. Number of times I actually "lol"ed while reading. - 14

  2. can I travel with both of you?

    1. Sarah, where should we go? Want to meet in Hawaii? Actually, we might need to save our money for that 40th birthday cruise I'm planning.

  3. Sarah! You do NOT want to travel with those two. Do you even remember the crunchy dead frog!? Not to mention the nibbling feet fish!?

    1. your right Beth It would defiantly need to be states side.

  4. My family makes me so happy!

  5. Lucy interruption- Mom was the one who giggled and I can't believe she is pushing it off on the rest of us!
