Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Thankfully There Was A Bogaiaologowist

The Talking Tuba
by Hal Rees

You know how I hate hot dogs?
Oh, down the street
There’s a super-fast talking tuba.
They nothing could catch that on just their feet
Not even the police
And it was not sweet, just by the way.
Down by the street, there’s a talking tuba
Down on the street, I cannot go on my feet
Not even the police could catch him
But it was just too fast
He said, that a sandwich was not on my past
Oh on the street, there was a talking tuba
Oh how the neighbors were eggmagoofa
Thankfully there was a bogaiaologowist
That said that it was free.
But the only thing is that, I don’t know how to say this.
It was not free. Well. I can see
They really sounded out of tune.
Oh, Mr. Wegiblaus, with a pickle on my feet
Then, Mr. Wegiblaus, On his feet, it sounded out of tune by the way
Down by the river. Chalk his face was gone and I can’t just be
I’m gonna go as fast as I can on my feet, even though that it’s slower than the talking tuba. Bye.

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