Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Summer 2019

San Diego! Cayucos! Yellowstone! Salt Lake City! Cousins Camp! Harry Potter World! Madera! Salmon, Riggins, and Rexburg Idaho!

Summer 2019 ranged far and wide, and a good time was had by all. What are your memories from the last few months? Pictures needed.

Carrie and the kids spent a week hanging out in San Diego. We slept in a tent in the garage and watched Women's World Cup games every day. We scoured the city for 40 dark chocolate bars for Jerry's birthday.

The Rees Family had fun taking visitors to the beach, enjoying their best blackberry harvest to date, and trying out new skills at the local track and fields meets.

Highlights of Cousins Camp: the Flinch game. The story of Carolyn capturing a bullfrog shirtless at 2am for the Flinch game. The Great Ashby Family Baking Show. The lip sync battle, with Hal as Bon Jovi. The weather. Building the raft that actually floated. Gail, Mere, and Carolyn reenacting the road trip with Grandma. Rachel was casually informed that the bed she slept in was "the one Cousin Leslie was conceived in".

We floated the Salmon river for 90 miles.
Theo enjoys safety, and a sandwich.

Couch time at the beach cabin.

Wizarding World. Just what you'd expect, but somehow even more expensive.
Memorable CC Lip Sync
Beat boxing sale open

Beth and Sarah saved Rachel from 4 hours of waiting in the Fresno airport

Lawrences were orphans for the Beach this year, but had their first whole family vacation in years.  Yellowstone, Rexburg, SLC - dropping Darcy and Sydney off at college. 

Sydney comes to live with Rachel!

1 comment:

  1. Not just A memorable lip sync, but THE most memorable lip sync ever. Epic.
