Friday, October 19, 2018

Summer 2018

Yeah, yeah, so it's now Fall 2018, but I wanted to remember this summer. Because we had a pretty good time. Here are some photos to jog your memory...can you remember anything that we did?


  1. Cousins camp notes - Spy camp -dusting for fingerprints, lock picking, code breaking, disguises, book safes. Gordon's soil class. Jerry and Beth singing, Carrie and Gordon singing, 2ftx3ft cake memorializing 10 years of camp, Levi won $67 dollars in a guess that piggy bank contest. Model making, ceramic handprints and?

  2. Remember that moment when all the adults were out in Claire's yard and all the kids were inside entertaining themselves. it was a short, but lovely moment.

  3. Gordon's soil science frog talk.
    Finding an unopened health drink in the fridge that tasted like fermented swamp bog and using it to play truth or dare with the kids - “This tastes like a vegan got mugged in a Moscow alleyway”.
    Pizza in Morro Bay.
    Vivian's wetsuits making beach life so much better.
    Introducing the kids to Napoleon Dynamite.
