Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Christmas Miracle

Remember the dead sister clock?  Well after Beth tried to steal it back, it stopped working.  I was sad, but didn't have any time to do anything about it until we got to Thailand, at which point I bought a new clock and installed the dead sister picture into it.  At which point the new clock stopped working and has since just been being moved around various counter tops in our apartment by a puzzled Khun Moo.

WELL, on Christmas Eve I was finally drifting off to sleep when I heard a soft ticking sound.  I lifted my head from the pillow and finally tracked the noise to the dead sister clock!  After three months of dormancy, the clock is back from the dead, just in time for Christmas.  I thought for sure it would quit again when we were gone on our trip, but no.  I hung it on the wall today.  It is impossible to tell the time on it, because the hands blend in too well with the bodies, but really, who cares?


  1. Dead sisters, revived...does this make it a zombie sister clock?

    1. Maybe Beth would stop stealing it if it's a zombie clock.

    2. thats true she hates zombies
