Saturday, February 19, 2022

Facil Peasy

Furry amigo helps Carry

So we've been doing the Wordle every day, and the 5-letter word format inspired us to see if we could communicate only in 5 letter words. Some of my favorite exchanges (otherwise known as Wordl Spark Funny Games):

Ca: Wordl takes lotsa guess today

    R: Sames. Rache cheat. Shame.

Ca: Rache cheat??! NOway! Carry wants cheat!

    R: Hahah. Carry moral & adept, lacks cause cheat. Rache shady. Rache dense.

Ca: (video of Theo spelling words while doing push ups) Gulag train works

    Cl: laugh aloud

Ca: Agree. Makes Carry happy.

Ca: Clair plays wordl rules right

    Cl: first class fiver

Ca: Bored, kinda alone. Ideas?

    R: APBio, maybe?

Ca: Usted makes great ideas.

    R: Merci. Mosie cover belly. Stuck couch. Carry sleep today?

Ca: Mosks/socks equal hygge.

    R: Thumb above.

Ca: Carry sleep great, brief. Sleep again later. Thumb above makes Carry laugh aloud.

    R: Self's happy makes carry laugh

Ca: Usted tiene goals today?

    R: laugh aloud. Goals: visit Provo amigo. Thine goals?

Ca: Empty trash. Tarea. Leave comfy couch.

(later) Ca: Visit amigo? Leave Provo? Goals ended? Carry empty trash, check. Leave comfy couch, sorta. Carry makes tarea, never.

Little girly smart pants

Ca: Carry proud GwenT solve Wordl after twice tries. GwenT adept.

    V: Sorry later reply. Agree, little girly smart pants

    V: HugoT rapid skier today again. Feets alike fries, never pizza

Ca: HugoT shows super sport skilz. Jerry/Sista breed heros. Carry loves smart brave young folks.

Ca:Wordl kicks booty today. Chris/Carry works likes teams, saves selfs. Lucks, y'alls

Cl: Lucky minor guess VOUCH helps impart start

Cl: (just realized impart is not 5 letters. Oops)

Ca: Carry, Rache avoid being judgy. Cease worry

R: Carry forgo being judge, Rache super judgy

Ca: Rache funny, sassy

Cl: Laugh aloud, sassy Rache