Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Action Jackson

It was fun getting to know Jackson all on his own during his big trip to Colorado. He was a model citizen, a good conversationalist, and it turns out he's extremely funny.

Me: Can anyone taste the secret ingredient in the deviled eggs?
Jack: Hate?

and after we'd shushed him for yelling goodbye out of the window to the drive-through employee: "Aw, he can't hear me- he's wearing a mask!"

He refused to let me pay him for mowing the lawn, and when the chain came off of his rental bike he fixed it all by himself. Add Jackson to the list of nieces and nephews who can come and visit anytime.
Up up and away!
Turns out electric bikes can go pretty fast.

Where the streets have no goathead stickers...
Two boys in a tree. Can you find them?

Strawberry milkshake taste testing- Dairy Queen? Really?
Eric came to fetch him- here they are navigating DIA security all by themselves.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jackson IS funny. He can come visit me anytime too
