Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Situation

Rachel and Claire came to take care of my kids while I went to Geneva to see Chris. After a day or so I thought I would check in with Rachel to see how it was going. "Have you had any situations to deal with?" I asked.


Turns out that Apollo had paralyzed a mouse, but not actually killed it. When Rachel realized it was suffering, she knew she had to do something about it...but what? How do you dispatch a mouse without, you know, feeling like you're killing a mouse?

Claire had suggestions. "Put it in the bathtub and throw in a hair dryer," she said. "Put it in a bag and seal it to the exhaust pipe of the car." "Throw it in a bucket with some dry ice."  "Handcuff it to Apollo until he assumes responsibility?"

"Put it in an opaque bag and run over it with the car."

Bingo. We have a winner. Rachel put it in a ziploc bag first, for good measure. Contained, concealed, quick, and conclusive.

A few days later I received the following text from Rachel:

"I should tell you...There's a flat dead mouse in a paper bag in the garbage in the garage.
You might want to make sure the trash gets taken out."

Situation resolved. Thanks, sisters.

1 comment:

  1. I still think about the pop of the ziploc bag when the tire went over it...
