Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Snippets from my life recently...

Mae wanted some cereal for breakfast. She requested a kind we hadn't had in a while. As I handed over her bowl, I said, "Now, this cereal is a little old, so let me know if it's good, or if it's weird."

She said, "Mom, I don't like weird kids, but I like weird cereal."


Hal has been very dedicated to teaching Mae about "church" stuff. He writes out lessons on the white board, and even made up a worksheet for her to complete.
(He helped us. Every thing was not sins. He protects us. He has an angel. I love him.)


Mae got a new stuffed tiger from her very first dentist visit. She has named it Alex Amy Honnold.


My back went out a couple weeks ago, and it made me pretty focused on only the pain. Meaning- I wasn't much of a conversationalist, or very social. 
One morning, Gordon saw me putting on make-up before school drop-off. I guess it was a rare sight for him, because he said something like, "Doing something special?"
I said, "I'm trying to distract from my lack of social skills with make-up."
He said, "That's why I married you- what you lack in personality, you make up for with mascara."

I've been doing a lot of mothering from bed. One night, when Gordon was working late, I was up long enough to make dinner for the kids, but got back in bed to eat it. When the kids made their way back upstairs, I asked Hal if he finished his food. He took a camera, and took pictures of his bowl, and Mae's, to prove that he finished his food, but Mae did not. 

I guess I just have to trust which bowl is his, right?