*feel free to add any memories from Thursday, plus any else I've forgotten
- Theo rhapsodizing about his love: "I've got the hotskis for [name redacted], she is one smokin' hot piece of bacon" (Carrie: just because you're not using the word steak does not mean bacon is ok), practicing hurling Shakespearean insults at potential slanderers
- "Donde esta mis pajamas" - Vivian. "Here is your pillow (piyo)" - Carrie
- Discovering Beth's aversion to the word 'boogers'. Asking super tired Sarah if she would ever say the word, and her response: "...boogers".
- Hot tubbing in the misty morning with goblets of orange juice
- Thrift store shopping. Finding awesome lumberjack hat
- Sarah's response to how China's first plants grown on the moon died. "Cause it's the moon!"
- 8 milkshakes for 7 people at Vern's. "Who even likes vanilla?!" Beth and Carrie: ME! *jump with arms up in the air
- Vivian navigating unplowed mountain roads like a champ
- "The logs are like THIS BIG!" (Rachel puts arms around her head to show size, gets made fun of) Claire measures spill of ranch same way. Becomes standard unit of measurement for weekend
- Mom starting a snowball fight, denying it
- Pretend cross-country ski race
- Hot chocolate tea party with Mexican, salted caramel, and Thomas Jefferson flavors
- Power outage, yoga party in the dark
- Power goes back on and off and on again at 3am and 5am
- Everyone gets own beds at cabin, and even bunk room is made of quiet full sized bunk beds
- Working on the escape game, Sarah saving us by solving maze clue
- Beth and Vivian launching a log into the frozen lake
- Alllllmost asking random strangers if Rachel can ride their Zamboni
- Slingshotting Rachel on the ice
- Gnome hunting, and feeling like we had to whisper once we found them
- Super fun but ill-advised sledding down hill in backyard that ended in weeds and bushes
- Having a telescope provided by Airbnb, figuring out how to use it for super blood wolf moon eclipse. Listening to Star Wars, 2001 Space Odyssey, Pony Man, Moondance, Moonshadow. "The moon looks different with my glasses on" - Sarah
- Breakfast at Beaver Meadows resort, followed by hockey and ice skating. Random kid complimenting Claire on her hockey skills "you know what you're doing!"
- Mom claiming she's not competitive
- Carrie throwing a pillow at Vivian sleeping below because she slept through alarm
- Poudre? I barely know 'er!
- Theo, when we came back from the weekend - "so are we going to do that thing where we all snuggle in bed together?"
- Sorting Theo into his Hogwarts house with a panel of witches. Whispering around his head. Asking for Lucy's opinion - "I don't even work here". Ultimately - it's Hufflepuff!
- Playing pacifist Fortnite
- Hot tubbing - gust of wind blew snow off roof into faces
- Theo wearing suit to school for birthday - "I don't need a jacket, I'll just clothe myself in pretention"
- Playing UNO on the floor of the airport while waiting for three different planes