Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Top 10 signs you know your house is cold

1. you go outside to get warm.
2. you wear your coat inside.
3. after you cook something you leave the oven door open and stand in front of it.
4. at night you want to go to bed so you can get under the covers.
5. when you contemplate building a fire when it's 65 outside.
6. when you want to walk on your treadmill because it will warm you up.
7. when the kids tell you their cold ( kids are never cold ).
8. the cat finds a spot of sun coming through the window to sleep.
9. when you research  how much it would cost to put in a whole house heating system and $2500 doesn't sound that high.
10. you want to pay someone to turn your whole house so the sun comes in the kitchen windows.