Thursday, December 20, 2012

the last word

colin walks into the bathroom where jack and i are.  he seems to be trying to put on a belt.
c- "mom!  i need help with my seatbelt!"
jack (snort)- "it's not a seatbelt!  it's just a belt!"
colin - (feeling defensive yells back) "yes it is!  it is a seatbelt!"
jack - "no it's not!"
me- "jack, he can call it a seatbelt if he wants to."
j- "no he can't!"
me - "yes he can.  he can call it a UNICORN if he wants to."

(i turn and walk out, thinking the point is made, and hear as i walk down the hall..)

jack- (in that under-the-breath "i'm going to get the last word" voice..) "well you can't call it that."

colin (yelling)- "well mom said i can call you a POOPER if i want to!"


  1. I thought Colin didn't talk (he didn't last time I saw him...)! Guess his vocabulary has picked up :)

  2. (from Beth) An untranslated quote, carrie, would have appeared something like this "a mum a say a me a tall you POOPER a me want!"
