Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Work Conversation

Once, after regaling Vivian with another story of a nutty coworker, Vivian said, "Claire- you are always working with crazies!"

I thought maybe I was just reading into the antics of my coworkers too much, and that they must be fairly average. But after a number of years, I now believe that they really are crazies, and I will work with them for the rest of my life.

I currently work with Lisa. She has a very interesting personal history. She also seems to have no sense of what is going on around her. She will forget people that work in our department five minutes after talking to them (Do I know you?). Say things about her coworkers that are not true, right in front of them (Claire always eats her daily cookie at 11:30 in the morning!). Does not remember conversations, even repeated ones, for more than....well, sometimes 2 minutes (People always expect me to know what they're talking about...)

So, today- a guy named Mark came into our office, went and glanced in my boss Angela's office, and came back to have this conversation with Lisa:

(Lisa's voice in bold)

Is Angela in today?
Looking for Adam?
Adam's not around.
Is Angela in?
I'm sorry, who?
Are you looking for Adam? Or Angela?
Is she in her office?
Then she's not in her office.
But she is in today.

It's exhausting to listen to, sometimes...


  1. hahaha no wonder you are considered a super employee. THAT was ridiculous! how does she even have a job?! what does she do?

  2. Oh. Man. Maybe it's better I don't have a job. Today, I went to the Family History Center and the server crashed, and between the two old ladies who were trying to trouble shoot and the one old man expounding on the reasons that you can't get good servers in Sahuarita (my neighbor can't even get good radio reception!), I had to pretend that Nora had to take a nap and excuse myself because I wanted to slap them all.

  3. You eat a daily cookie at 11:30 in the morning?

  4. maybe that should be your next interview question, "Do I have to work with crazies?"

  5. That was Sarah...The real Mona says "You should write a movie dialogue for Mark Porter to direct."
    You could call it "The Office" Oh, wait...
