Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Moab, Again and Again

Moab has a new tourist slogan: "Moab, Again and Again," which seemed appealing as we were driving out of town after a great vacation, but not so much when we had to return many hours later to pick up the laptop that Lucy left behind. Adding 4+ hours to a 7 hour drive home meant that it was really dark as we drove over Vail pass later that night and the kids had run out of stuff to do.
"Hmmm. Let's play Truth or Dare," I suggested. Some memorable moments from the game:

Grossest dare: Theo had to put a chocolate covered blueberry in his nose and eat it.
Riskiest question: From Lucy- "Mom, do you think your toes actually are hairier than other people's?"
Best adaptation: Chris thought he shouldn't do dares while driving, so his options were 'Truth or Lecture'. He got lectures on hanging up his damp towels and following the car in front of him too closely. (Both genuine issues, I must say.)
Truth that shall not be repeated: "Who is your favorite/least favorite cousin?"
Most successful dare: When I told Theo he had to put his hand in the snack bag twice and eat the first two things that he touched, at the same time.
First touch- fudge. Hmm, not bad. Second touch...Salami.

Anyway, it passed the time quite nicely and I'm thinking it has beach cabin entertainment written all over it. Other Moab vacation highlights:
- watching the Marblelympics. Go O'rangers!
- ringing in the New Year with Rachel hanging out with us on G Chat
- having the National Parks practically to ourselves
- playing Pandemic in our cozy apartment. Thanks for a good Christmas present, Claire.

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