Friday, August 20, 2021

Summer 2021 in Words

 This was the summer where everyone went places. The Rees family went to San Diego. Viv and Jerry went to Salt Lake City. Theo went to San Diego. So did the Lawrences, and Carrie and Lucy. Then Theo and Levi went to Madera. Eric moved to Colorado and then Darcy went to visit him. So did Sydney. Rachel went to Mom and Claire's. The Thomases went to Idaho. Dad and Kathy went to Atascadero, as did Carrie, Chris and Lucy. The Gregorys went to Salt Lake City 18 times (or something). Basically we got around a bit. Also, we were funny.

Mae, pretending to Google something: "What is the biggest thing in the world?"
"Sorry Hal, it's your FACE!"

Beth, addressing the boys: "The Olympics are very important to me. We are going to watch them with respect. If you do not want to do this you can go somewhere else, but if you're in here, no complaining."
(Olympics theme starts on TV)
Levi: "Um why do we have to..."
(Beth whirls to stare at him, fire in her eyes)
Levi: "...sit this far away from the TV?"

Jerry, after performing a feat of strength for Theo: "Who is your favorite uncle?"
Theo: "Well, you know about Gordon, right?"

We conquered the Atascadero track meet, with speed, and also with pizza.
Getting ready for bed one night:
Claire: Mae! Why are you carrying around 2 pillows, don't you usually only sleep with one?
Mae: Well, yes, but if possible, I would actually like to experience 3...

Pickle taste-testing, and also making our own pickles without a recipe, left a number of people wondering if they actually liked pickles after all.

Syd and Rachel took the boys to the caves. All was well until the hike out where the party got lost in 100* heat and all would have died if not for the seven extra water bottles that Rachel packed.

Beth got a job. Everyone had mixed emotions.

Gordon told a story about finding the bug that carries Chaga's disease in his apartment as a missionary and briefly having to contemplate that he might never be allowed back into the United States.

Gwen organized family Olympics on the beach, complete with medals. Speed walking was spirited, and also there was cheating. (Mom)

Theo: Mom, I had a caffeinated beverage. Is that OK?
Levi: What did you drink?
Theo: Coke Zero
Levi, laughing: Oh, a senior citizens beverage.

A classic photo was reenacted. (See above)

Hugo went with the Big Boys to Beth's house and kept up just fine.

Some unconscionable amount of MarioKart was played.

Mom told a story of throwing fetid meat off of the Blue Heron Lane bridge. Guess we know where Mom would hide a body.

Lucy won 'Outstanding Scholar' at Science Institute, and did a lot of writing.

Jackson grew 3 ft taller, got braces, and won a lot of medals at the family Olympics.

Eric locked the keys in the Gregory truck, got a ride home, watched a bunch of YouTube videos about 'How to Break Into a Car,' then rode his bike back in the middle of the night to try and solve the problem. 

Theo had his first 7-Eleven Slush Puppy and claimed to not like it.

"I hate inaccurate hyperbole more than anyone else in the world." -Lucy

At a fancy tea party, trying to sound sophisticated:
Carrie: "I suspect the boys are off somewhere, unwashed and eating Slim Jims"
Gwen: "I have not heard of this 'Slim' Jim."

"This summer has shown me that there are a lot of different parenting styles. Some parents keep their kids in carseats until they are 12, and others are like, 'Hey, can you steer so I can send this text?'" -Levi

Colin wowed the surfing judges, ultimately bringing home a gold medal.

Viv told a story about summoning an attendant while using a space-age toilet in a Korean rest stop, then fleeing the scene unflushed, hoping to avoid an in-person conversation. 

Hugo got a whipped cream pie in the face for his birthday. Surprisingly/not surprisingly, other kids wanted in on the action.

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