Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wyoming- Who Knew??

Shadow Lake, elev 10,267ft

Some thoughts from our recent backpacking trip to Wyoming:

- Who knew that Wyoming is hiding some of the most spectacular country I've ever seen? I guess the people who made Grand Teton and Yellowstone National parks, but still- it felt like we'd discovered a secret.

- My kids are pretty tough. When I expressed this to Lucy, she replied, "Why are you always surprised?" Good question.

- Backpacking food is really pretty dull.

- "All The Civilization You Need" is one of the best town mottos I've ever heard, but it wasn't enough to convince us to buy property in Pinedale, WY.

- Theo sure did love his LifeStraw water filter. He stayed extremely well hydrated, and also peed constantly, putting the River in Wind River.


- We hiked for 20 miles at 9,000-10,000 ft elevation. Then we were very tired.

- I shook my head when I felt how heavy Martin Gregory's pack was. Then when we got to the top of the hike and he pulled out 5 cans of soda on ice, condescension changed quickly to gratitude. Sprite has never tasted so good.

- speaking of Martin Gregory, the man is amazing. He's 78, for heaven's sake.

- Backpacking is more fun and hurts more than I remember.

Along the way

Our campsite at Marm's Lake
I sure am fond of this girl. She just keeps getting better and better.

"Adventure is just another word for disaster"
A boy and his LifeStraw filter.
Hey Martin! Wait up!


Before the hike...
And after.


  1. I didn't know Martin went with you! Wow!

  2. Actually I'm impressed with all of you!

  3. Awesome job, Carrie and company. Looks like beautiful country!
