Tuesday, November 16, 2010

the only true church?

so i was throwing away stuff from church, and syd was looking at the stuff as i tossed it. one paper said something about belonging to the true church.
s- "mom, this says we go to the only true church."
me- "yes, it does. do you have a question about that?"
s- "well, it says THE ONLY true church. we don't go to THE ONLY true church. that's silly. there are LOTS of true churches."
me - (starting to get nervous that we are going to have a really big conversation here) "like what other churches, sydney? what other churches have what we have?
syd - (pointing to her fingers, like she is teaching a child) "there's one at grandma mona's, there's one by the temple, there is one up in davis..."


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