Because some of us were willing to watch kids, some others of us got to go to Austria, where we ate, argued, walked around and generally had a great time. We would like to thank you, our amazingly generous family, for the following moments:
Claire, sitting in the front seat of the taxi and chatting with the driver. In German. The whole time.
At the Esperanto museum, (where surprisingly enough we were the only people), Gordon settling in to learn the language and making good progress until we finally pulled him away.
After a week of seeing and hearing German all of the time, Jerry actually saying 'Vait und second.' Which is not actually German, Spanish
or English. But did make him sound kind of scary.
Also not German, Spanish or English is the word "zee," which is what Gordon said to the lady at the bakery after reminding himself over and over, "Don't say 'si', don't say 'si', don't say 'si'..."
Vivian went on a reign of terror, kicking Carrie out of the Big Bedroom and then insulting her ability to share, making for a couple of notable discussions.
Claire, checking in with Beth about Hal: "That was on the spreadsheet! Did you look at the spreadsheet?!"
The meal where no one could read anything on the menu, but everyone ended up with pretty good stuff anyway, except for Chris who had to eat liver and onions. "Leber! I've made a huge mistake!"
Claire, on vices: "Oh, I would drink!...well, not
Carrie, on cheese: "I think this cheese would be good if you melted it, and poured it over some cheese."
The famous Sacher torte, two times. Which turned out to not be very good. Both times.
Rhubarb strudel.
Schnitzel bigger than your head.
Food brackets- one real, cheese bracket (winner, comte alt), and one imaginary pastry bracket, just devised to torment Carrie
A gigantic chocolate pastry thing called "The Edgar." Which actually Gordon didn't get to eat, but not for lack of trying.
Going to the opera and having everyone switch seats at each intermission because one set of seats was better than the others.
Guilting Chris into buying a tie to wear to the opera.
Sneaking out of mass because Gordon was literally asleep on his feet.
a tour of a crypt under a church and the guide having to stop to catch
someone's pelvic bone that fell off a shelf during his talk.
the relics (mostly-decomposed remains) of St. Julius, purportedly the
patron saint of abandoned children. Funny, we thought Beth was the
patron saint of abandoned children
Maybe even bigger than Mark Porter's head. |
Gordon hitting the juice. |
Isn't that a nice tie? |
Ride, baby, ride! |