The first time I met Tim, it was in Yosemite, when he and Beth were already engaged. Oh, I'd heard about him, of course, but that was via Beth, and an in-love Beth at that, so I didn't know what to believe. It was a big deal, because Beth was the first to get married, so it was our first look at what a brother-in-law might be like.
So we drove into a parking lot, and there was Tim- tall and handsome and friendly. I liked him right away. I remember him giving me a big hug and having to reach up really high. Since that day, i'm delighted to realize that I really do think of him as a brother now. What do you remember about the first time you met Tim?
The first time I met Tim was at a YSA dance I'd crashed when I was just barely 17. I felt like I knew him already. I said as much to him, which I thinked freaked him out, since I think he thought it was a pick up line, and I'd told him I was still in high school. At that very dance was when Beth and Tim set up snowboarding for the next day. I've always felt comfortable around Tim, as if we've been friends for years. Now we have. I've been very glad over the years that Beth brought someone into our family that we all get along with. Happy Birthday Tim!! I'm glad you're my brother.
i met tim one day before claire. rachelle scott wanted to drop by her brothers place and get something from him. i remember every detail. the sliding glass door, the l-shaped tan couch that had seen better days, and the long drink of water draped over it. when another roommate came in, we were introduced, and i remember feeling like... like...(this is going to sound cheesy) like that was the face, and the eyes and the smile that i had been waiting for. his eyes just danced. it wasn't just that he was funny, or friendly, or even dripping sexy, but that i knew that face. you know the feeling of "recognition"? when you look at someone and realize that you know them? that was what happened. on so many levels. i was rocked. and every time he looks into my eyes and smiles at me, i get the same feeling. every time. that was a great, great day.
One of my earliest memories of Tim is going snowboarding at Sierra Summit. These are in no particular or maybe not all the same trip but: I remember going together to rite aid and picking out some really awesome old lady sunglasses. I remember finding someone's wallet in the snow. I remember Tim driving with the heater on and the window down. Once on our way back, he saw a 4x4 trail off the four lanes and without any warning at all he veered off the pavement and onto the trail. Aaaaaahhh! Happy Birthday Timmy. I hope something takes you by surprise this year and ends up being really fun.
I was SEVEN when I first met Tim. So I don't have very detailed memories of that time. However, I do have very strong impressions of getting to know Tim. I remember how excited I was when Beth said she was bringing home a guy named Tim, because her excitement was so infectious. I remember watching him walk through the door and having him be SO MUCH bigger than little me. He seemed larger than life, and so cool. He was perfect for my sister Beth...and perfect as my first brother. So that's what I remember of meeting Tim- being excited and slightly awed. Happy birthday Tim. You are a wonderful man, and a great brother. -Rachel