Did you guys know that i hate little stickers on fruit? Well, I hate them. I hate that something so basic as fruit off of a tree has somehow been processed to the point where EVERY SINGLE FRUIT in the grocery store must have a little sticker. So, because I hate stickered fruit, and because I've read all those books about buying local food (OK, I haven't read them, but I can imagine what they say), I signed up to have a box of fruits and vegetables from a local farm delivered to my house.
On Tuesday, I came home to find a box on my doorstep. Excited, I opened the box and found:
- 2 small, red delicious tomatoes that Theo and I ate on the spot.
- a small paper bag of little yellow tomatoes, also eaten immediately.
- 4 apples, crunchy and sweet
- 4 zucchini/summer squash...OK, maybe I'll make bread?
- 3 (three!) butternut squash. Even 1 might have been too many for this family.
- a ziplock bag of black-eyed peas. Hmmmm.
- a paper bag of some mystery grain...grits? anyone know what quinoa looks like? I'm stumped.
- a clump of some suspicious looking, wilted greenery.
So, while I'm glad that none of it had stickers and some of it was even dirty, I'm not sure how to actually EAT most of it. Any ideas? Black-eyed peas anybody?